

Introducing the new blog team!

Introducing the new blog team!

It’s that time of year again! Another EGU General Assembly has passed. Another EGU Geodynamics blog team has been assembled! Now with a blog team bigger than ever! Whoohoo! So let me introduce you to the amazing blog team of 2022-2023 who will start blogging in earnest from next week onwards. If you are interested in joining yourself or want to reach out to anyone from the blog team, donR ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

Live from the EGU assembly, from an anonymous chair in an anonymous room in the Vienna International Centre, during an anonymous session on some geoscience-related topic, my commitment of reporting the truth as-is does not stop. Siri has recently asked a very practical question concerning the organisation of your EGU experience: How do you make your own personal programme for EGU without screaming ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

Mathieu is putting the final touches on his presentation for next week’s crazy science rumble also known as the EGU GA. A hybrid meeting of sorts nonetheless. Scrolling through the schedule, he exasperates: How do you make the most of yet another, sorta-kinda hybrid meeting? Dear Mathieu, Well…. you don’t. You just go through he motions like any other “fun new experience ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

“Impostor syndrome” is a condition that leads some of the most brilliant minds of our generation to question their right of being called a “scientist”, even if they are researching a cure for cancer. Or the Earth sciences equivalent of curing cancer. Tatiana may have impostor syndrome as she brilliantly describes one of the symptoms with her question: Where do you find the ...[Read More]