

How has the Gibraltar slab influenced the Alboran domain deformation?

How has the Gibraltar slab influenced the Alboran domain deformation?

Figure 1. Topography of the Gibraltar Arc region. The shaded area indicates the position of positive seismic velocity anomaly supposedly representing the position of the slab at 270 km depth from seismic tomography (Amaru, 2007). The purple line shows the position of the modelled cross-section for the model shown in this blog. Blue dots indicate the regional intermediate seismicity (between 40 km ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – A survival guide for grant writing

The Sassy Scientist – A survival guide for grant writing

Well, well, well, what do we have in here? Is that another fellow geoscientist going after a fund? Yes, seems like it. First of all good luck mate, a tough journey is ahead of you. I hope you have a lucky item with you to keep you alive during this period. So this time we have Boris asking: How do I secure funding? Dear Boris, Now, let’s get real. Securing funding for your research is like f ...[Read More]

Introducing the new blog team !

Introducing the new blog team !

It’s time for our yearly introduction to the EGU Geodynamics blog team! The EGU General Assembly has passed and after a couple of weeks of recovery, we are thrilled to present the blog team for the upcoming year 2023-2024, featuring some familiar and fresh new faces. Our new team will start posting from next month onward. We’re delighted to announce that the new EGU GD blog team now co ...[Read More]