Congratulations, you resilient academic warrior! You’ve made it through the year without evaporating like a snowflake in July. Now, brace yourself for the gift I’ve carefully curated just for you. Spoiler alert: It’s not a reset button for life, though I’m sure some folks desperately need one. Now, let’s unwrap the gift of wisdom. Leena asks: Sometimes, I feel like I ...[Read More]
The enigmatic tectonics of the Caribbean Large Igneous Plateau
As we approach the Christmas break and the end of the year, what resonates with the concept of ‘holidays’ more than the Caribbean? In this week post, Angela Gomez-Garcia, postdoc at the Geoscience Institute of Barcelona, and Eline Le Breton, professor at Freie Universität Berlin, take us on a geodynamic journey through the Caribbean Large Igneous Plateau and its enigmatic connection with the Galáp ...[Read More]
Exploration of Deep Earthquakes and Planetary Interiors
Most earthquakes on Earth start in the shallow, brittle part of the planet. However, there are several regions where earthquakes happen deep in the mantle. Where are these regions? Why do these earthquakes get so deep? In this week’s blog post, Ayako Tsuchiyama from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) takes us on a journey into the mysterious world of deep earthquakes. Growing u ...[Read More]
Geodynamica: Earth & Planets – a new diamond open access journal!

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Do you want to publish and access papers for free? Do you want to improve the system by promoting equitable publishing alternatives? Then read on to learn about Geodynamica: Earth & Planets: a new community-powered Diamond Open Access Journal (DOAJ)! Join the conversation on discord by following this link. Diamond Open What? Diamond Open Access journals are peer-reviewed journals that are free ...[Read More]