

Exploring Kolumbo: Unveiling the Secrets of a Submarine Volcano

Exploring Kolumbo: Unveiling the Secrets of a Submarine Volcano

Santorini Island without a doubt is one of the top worldwide destinations, taking our breath away with its unparalleled beauty. However, from the geological perspective as well, this mystifying island can reveal hidden secrets of the past and pave the way for our future. In this week’s blog, Associate Professor Paraskevi Nomikou, the 2023 awardee of EGU’s Geoscience Days Grant from the National an ...[Read More]

Alice in Depressionland

Alice in Depressionland

Not all is about internal evolution of Earth and geodynamic processes. It is also important to make the space for ourselves to separate academic responsibilities and personal interests, in a way that equilibrate our health and make the develop of the PhD thesis “easier”. As it was described in previous blogs (as here and here), mental health matters during the PhD pathway especially when the illus ...[Read More]

Into the Unknown: Research Cruises and the Geologist’s Drill

View aboard the JOIDES Resolution

With love for geoscience comes a zest for exploring the natural world. What we want to explore might not always be close to us. But science finds a way, even if it means sailing to the middle of the ocean. This week, we are going to dive into the nuts and bolts of how research cruises work in this blog post by Kuan-Yu Lin from the University of Delaware. Kuan-Yu recently sailed as an igneous petro ...[Read More]

Modelling CPO evolution with D-Rex

Modelling CPO evolution with D-Rex

As a result of Earth’s mantle convection, rocks in the earth’s interior flow and develop a crystallographic texture. These textures reveal the planet’s thermal and tectonic history and are responsible for the viscous anisotropy, which can be used to study the planet’s deeper recesses that are not visible through other means. This necessitates the use of models that can pred ...[Read More]