
edited by Gokul V.S.

PhD student at Monash University & IIT Bombay

Meet the blog illustrators: Trud Antzée

Meet the blog illustrators: Trud Antzée

Communicating research to a broad audience is always difficult for scientists. Because of their ability to translate ideas into visuals that can be used to communicate information to a wide range of audiences, scientific illustrators are critical to the communication of scientific information. In this week’s blog, we are introducing Trud Antzée, one of our blog illustrator. Trud Antzée is a former ...[Read More]

Geodynamics: It’s in the air we breathe!

Have you ever wondered how Earth became habitable. In this week’s news and views, we have Fabio Capitanio, Associate Professor at Monash University sharing insights into the role Geodynamics in the evolution of Earth and life on it. Our planet has unique features which make it suitable for life. Understanding how the Earth became habitable is necessary to answer the most fundamental question ...[Read More]