
edited by Gokul V.S.

PhD student at Monash University & IIT Bombay

Unveiling the Secrets of the Deepest Inland Trough: The Denman Terrestrial Campaign

Unveiling the Secrets of the Deepest Inland Trough: The Denman Terrestrial Campaign

Greetings from the heart of Antarctica! This week on the EGU Geodynamics blog, we are thrilled to share an exclusive insight into the groundbreaking Denman Terrestrial Campaign. Live from the icy expanse of the white continent, a team of geophysicists—Shyla Kupis, Dr. Lu Li, Dr. Mareen Lösing, Dr. Coti Manassero, Dr. Tobias Stål, and Dr. Kate Selway—will take you on a journey through their remarka ...[Read More]

Why plate tectonic reference frames are important?

Why plate tectonic reference frames are important?

Have you ever pondered the significance of reference frames in the reconstruction of tectonic paleo positions? In this edition of News & Views, we feature Jonathon Leonard as he delves into this subject, aided by illustrations from Rachel O’Brien. In the 1600s, in an effort to show why we cannot feel the Earth orbiting the sun at speed, Galileo came up with a thought experiment. In his e ...[Read More]

Study of the Lithospheric deformations, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions and their imprints in Atmosphere using Space Geodetic Observations

Study of the Lithospheric deformations, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions and their imprints in Atmosphere using Space Geodetic Observations

The fundamental of Space Geodesy is the observation of the dynamics of the Earth, such as its rotation on its axis, changes in shape, and the external gravitational field etc., which allow for the monitoring of the Earth system in general. Space Geodetic techniques, such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) / Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as Interferometric Synthetic Aperture R ...[Read More]

The Tectonic Memory of the Mantle

The Tectonic Memory of the Mantle

The study of the mantle aids in our understanding of the Earth’s tectonic evolution. In this week’s news and views, honours student Mr. Robert Marks shares his thoughts. Mr. Marks received his Bachelors (Hons) degree from the University of Wollongong under the supervision of Dr Nicolas Flament. The Earth’s mantle is filled with subducted slabs, which are remnants of tectonic plates tha ...[Read More]