With the EGU General Assembly (GA) less than a month away, it’s time for attendees to start planning their schedule to get the most out of the week. In today’s blog, Geodynamics (GD) Division Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative Megan Holdt highlights the networking events for the GD Division, provides an overview of key events at the GA and gives some tips for first-time attendees.
Networking Events: Geodynamics Division
What: ECS Pre-GA Icebreaker
When: 15:00-16:30 Sunday 23 April
Where: Copa Beach
This Icebreaker event is designed for Early Career Scientists to meet before the start of the General Assembly. We’ll be meeting at Copa Beach from 3pm. It’s the perfect opportunity to get to know other attendees from the Geodynamics, Seismology and Geodesy Divisions. Bring your own drinks and snacks for a relaxing afternoon on the banks of the Danube.
What: Geodynamics ECS Lunch
When: 12:45–14:00 Tuesday 25 April
Where: G Terrace
On Tuesday, we’ll have a geodynamics lunch for Early Career Scientists. Bring your lunch and join us on G Terrace. Get to know other ECS researchers within the Geodynamics Division and learn more about the activities of the Geodynamics ECS team.
What: Division meeting for Geodynamics
When: 12:45-13:45 Wednesday 26 April
Where: Room D2
We encourage all geodynamicists to come along to the annual Geodynamics Division meeting. This meeting will provide a summary of this years activities and will also share forward plans. This is the primary forum for the geodynamics community to share their thoughts and ideas on the direction of our division. Lunch will be provided.
What: Geodynamics ECS Dinner
When: 18:30-20:00 Thursday 27 April
Where: Gigerl restaurant @19:00; meet in front of the conference center @ 18:30
The Geodynamics ECS Dinner is a great opportunity to connect with other geodynamicists from across the world. We’ll meet in front of the conference center at 18:30 and make our way to Gigerl restaurant. It is essential to sign-up to this dinner as places are limited. To attend, register via this form.
Geodynamics Award Lectures
The Augustus Love Medal Lecture by Thorsten W. Becker & GD Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture by Ágnes Király will be held on Monday 24 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST). Ágnes Király will present on “Mantle flow around subduction zones: evolution through time” while Thorsten Becker will present “On convective memory.”
Great Debates
Great Debates have been a regular feature of the EGU programme since 2005. These forums provide an opportunity to tackle a topical issue in a lively and entertaining format. This year, the Great Debate include:
- GDB5 – Is social media outreach? Mon, 24 April, 14:00 – 15:45 (CEST)
- GDB2 – As climate change impacts accelerate, are we sleepwalking into the inferno…? Mon, 24 April, 16:15 – 18:00 (CEST)
- GDB3 – The Science activist: should science get Political? Tue, 25 April, 10:45 – 12:30 (CEST)
- GDB6 – Open access publishing: national strategies, challenges and solutions Thu, 27 April, 8:30 – 10:15 (CEST)
- GDB4 – Scientific Neocolonialism: tools and mechanisms to advocate and amplify the voices, knowledge and recognition of local knowledge in geoscience research – Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
- GDB1 – The thrills and dangers of extending human impact beyond our planetary boundaries Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Short Courses
EGU23 will host over 50 short courses throughout the duration of the GA. Aimed at providing an interactive forum for participants, these short courses cover many topics and offer something for everyone:
- Expand your knowledge of other disciplines (Geodesy 101, Geology 101, Seismology 101, Geodynamics 101: Numerical modelling).
- Improve your communication skills (‘How do I make my geoscience communication publishable? – A drop-in ‘clinic’ with the Geoscience Communication editors, Creative collaboration: working with artists to communicate science).
- Develop your networking skills (How to build and grow your scientific network).
For a complete list of all short courses, visit the EGU website.
First time attendees: making the most of EGU23
If this is your first EGU, consider signing up to the Mentoring Programme. This programme is specifically designed to help first-time conference attendees and assists them with developing connections with other researchers. To participate, register by 7 April 2023. Another helpful resource is the Short Course SC1.1 How to navigate EGU: tips and tricks. Scheduled on Monday morning, this course will share advice on how to make the most of EGU. Finally, before you arrive, take some time to review the scientific programme and plan which presentations, short courses and networking events you would like to attend. The communications team recently released a blog focusing on creating your own personal program to schedule the week.
Share your EGU23 experience
The official hashtag for Geodynamics Division at the GA is #EGU23_GD. If you tag the GD twitter (@EGU_GD) in your tweet, your content will be shared with the community.