During the recent EGU Autumn 2021 elections, Alberto Viglione, from Politecnico di Torino, was elected as the new president of the Division on Hydrological Sciences. As a first-time elected division president, he will be inaugurated during the EGU General Assembly in April 2022 in Vienna, and serve for one year as Deputy President after the inauguration. He will then serve as division President fo ...[Read More]
On talking about hydrology at non-academic events
Many of us have given talks (or are preparing their first one coming soon) at academic and non-academic events. What are the differences and what should we expect from both types of events? How can early career scientists (ECS) navigate through these two types of events? I wrote this blog post as an attempt to encourage more ECS talks in non-academic events and share my experiences, hoping that it ...[Read More]
Being positive and passionate about resilient and smart cities – Interview with Elena Cristiano (ECS Rep)
During our business meeting in the GA 2021, we introduced the Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative Elena Cristiano, elected by the ECS members of the HS division and the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) for the period 2021-2023 [*]. In this blog post, we asked her some questions to get you know her better, her visions and expectations. Maria-Helena Ramos (MHR): First of all, I would like to a ...[Read More]
100 Ideas to Communicate the Value of Hydrology

Hydrologists are a pivotal part of modern societies where the delivery of enough clean water to populations relies on their decisions to manage complex systems of resources. Flood hydrologists develop and operate computer models with the aim of meeting the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) long-term ambition that “no one is surprised by flooding”. Despite this critically important dual rol ...[Read More]