Hydrological Sciences

Catchment hydrology

Why social inequalities matter for hydrologists?

Why social inequalities matter for hydrologists?

After a few years spent at an Earth Science department researching social inequalities and hydrological extremes — i.e. floods and droughts — I have often been asked these rhetorical questions: “Isn’t it obvious that the weakest individuals or social groups suffer the most in case of extreme hydrological events? So, why should we study these inequalities?” Driven by these questions, and the years ...[Read More]

Featured Catchment: The Weierbach – Yet another temperate forested headwater?

Featured Catchment: The Weierbach – Yet another temperate forested headwater?

Slate bedrock, an often overlooked system At first sight, the Weierbach catchment may seem unspectacular. It is indeed a small (42 ha) forested headwater catchment, located at mid-latitude in a low mountain range (450-500 m a.s.l.). However, when you take a closer look, and particularly below the surface, the Weierbach is a truly exciting eco-hydrological system. Located in the Luxembourgish Arden ...[Read More]

On modelers and modeling

On modelers and modeling

Several studies were conducted and are ongoing where we investigate modelers, modeling decisions and modeling perceptions. Below I discuss the rationale and a summary of the (preliminary) results. Simulation models, conceptualizations of processes into a system of mathematical equations (hereafter simply referred to as models), are frequently used tools in the hydrological sciences. The literature ...[Read More]

Sharing is caring: Models for all, presenting eWaterCycle II

Sharing is caring: Models for all, presenting eWaterCycle II

The photos above were found by doing a google image search for ‘hydrologist’. Apparently our image is that of scientists that get to be outside a lot. We all know that the knowledge we gain from fieldwork gets codified in hydrological models which can be written in all sort of programming languages. “I wonder what this analysis would look like using that other groups hydrological model ...[Read More]