
The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – The lost mug dilemma

The Sassy Scientist – The lost mug dilemma

You guessed it right, it’s that time of the month when I emerge from my lair, ready to share some of my great wisdom to help you navigate this scorching October. Seriously, my climate crisis depression has me in its grip but I’m here to cool us down a little bit, no worries. So, this week, we tackle Lara’s question: Should I leave academia or apply for a post-doc after my PhD? Dear Lara, You ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Thesis SOS: AI or just more pepperoni?

The Sassy Scientist – Thesis SOS: AI or just more pepperoni?

Are you sitting there, staring at your screen, miraculously waiting for your thesis to write itself? Ever wondered if AI could be your ultimate wingman **sorry, I meant wingbot** when tackling that master’s or Ph.D. thesis? Well, it must be your lucky day because Eric is asking Could AI actually help me write my master’s/ PhD thesis? Dear Eric, First of all, I’m offended that you mixed me wi ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Everything everywhere all at once

The Sassy Scientist – Everything everywhere all at once

Ever wondered how to manage a flurry of projects without losing your sanity? Maggie was curious if the Sassy Scientist could provide some insight into this. So she is asking: How do I manage to work on multiple projects at a time? Dear Maggie,   You simply DON’T. Let me debunk this “juggling a gazillion projects is the key to success in academia” myth faster than you can ima ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

Navigating the challenge of making new friends in a new place  -well, thanks to academia…- can be as complex as decoding the Earth’s geological history. This time Bob is demanding our knowledge for: New academic job. New town. New life. It was fairly easy to make friends when I was young but how do I make friends as an adult? Dear Bob, Bob. Bob. Oh, Bob… Thanks for interrupting m ...[Read More]