

The Sassy Scientist – The Philosopher’s Stone

The Sassy Scientist – The Philosopher’s Stone

Hermione has finally completed her graduate studies, with some extra-curricular training that will remain unnamed here and with activities which some will not remember. Now the time has come to use that newly acquired title for good although demands, desires and duties meander through the realm of possibilities, leaving Hermione in a perpetual plight: What to do when obtaining a PhD in geodynamics ...[Read More]

How to fall in love?

How to fall in love?

Ah, love – that elusive feeling most people search for. It can be hard to find and hard to hold on to. Let me help you out. This week, I will give you 10 definitive tips to find your perfect match and fall and stay in love with your research. 1. Size doesn’t matter Some people like big, broad research topics, while others like smaller, niche research topics for which you really need to dive ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Niche Necessity

The Sassy Scientist – Niche Necessity

T-Low feels a little insecure whether that specific niche of the broad spectrum of science merits all of the effort put in: Every now and then I’m starting to wonder if my little branch of science is really worth doing? And if not, which one is? And why? Dear T-Low, Stay doing what you’re doing. Even if you feel a little bit underwhelmed by an apparent lack of interest sometimes. Don&# ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Stochastic Sequels

The Sassy Scientist – Stochastic Sequels

Tuckered from simply contemplating the infinite myriad of possibilities arising behind the dandy phantasmagoria at the pristine horizon which is a doctorate, Maite considers: Should I start a postdoc directly after my PhD? Dear Maite, I would. If you want to stay in science, that is. Consider yourself a prospector initiating the exploration of an unsullied landscape. A wonderful scenery of excitin ...[Read More]