Queer Quarterly is the blog series of the EGU pride group, a LGBTQIA+ team of geoscientists engaged to uphold and improve the rights of the community in the EGU organization. This week’s post is dedicated to allyship: how people outside of the community can support our efforts. The term LGBTQIA+ is the abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual. The addition ...[Read More]
FEMR: An emerging “game changer” in predicting earthquakes and impending geohazards.

In this week’s blog, Shreeja Das, a Post Doctoral researcher at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Ashdod, Israel working with Dr. Vladimir Frid, discusses her research involving the use of FEMR waves and its use as a tool in predicting impending geohazards , some of her results obtained using said technique to study transform fault activity along the Dead Sea Transform fault. Earthqu ...[Read More]
A summer science YouTube playlist
Summer is not over yet, so today I prepared a list of science YouTube channels to check out during the lazy summer afternoons. Scientists and teachers love to share their research, experiments and insights with anyone who is willing to listen, so there are many fantastic science channels to watch. These people work hard to make science accessible for everyone, so when we’re all done watching bad s ...[Read More]
Continental drift in academia

After spending about three decades in the hustle-bustle of Asian megacities, I landed up in a quiet European town to continue my research work as a postdoc. When you know you will not meet your family soon in person, you know that you will not get the food you love and, the climate that has guided you in the sun and shadow will be very different; you may expect a life struggle. Yet, people have di ...[Read More]