
research life

The Sassy Scientist – Raiders of the Lost *What*?

The Sassy Scientist – Raiders of the Lost *What*?

Is it hot? Is it cold? I don’t know anymore. I really need holidays or better: early, very early, retirement. Anyway, what we need is a bit of sassiness in the mix. So let’s make July a bit sassy. Yikes, it sounds like an election campaign. I don’t like it, never mind. What were we doing? Ah, yes, sassy. So, Ryu asks: How do I rediscover the joy of science? Dear Ryu, Tough audience question found ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Where the wild grids are

The Sassy Scientist – Where the wild grids are

In the labyrinth of scientific research, one often finds themselves at the crossroads of data accessibility and the desire to reuse and build upon other people’s work. All too frequently, results are presented in a format that cannot be read by the computer. Does your favourite Geochemistry paper come with a PDF table, but no excel spreadsheet on the sight? Been there. Wondering what lies beneath ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Merry Crisis: Spark Lost, Chocolate Found

The Sassy Scientist – Merry Crisis: Spark Lost, Chocolate Found

Congratulations, you resilient academic warrior! You’ve made it through the year without evaporating like a snowflake in July. Now, brace yourself for the gift I’ve carefully curated just for you. Spoiler alert: It’s not a reset button for life, though I’m sure some folks desperately need one. Now, let’s unwrap the gift of wisdom. Leena asks: Sometimes, I feel like I ...[Read More]