
PhD life

The Sassy Scientist – Back to Basics

The Sassy Scientist – Back to Basics

We’ve spent a lot of time in the past talking about imposter syndrome, coping with the stresses of academic life and how to make sure you’re looking after yourself. Today though, it’s time for a little practical advice. As a new PhD researcher, Felix has been feeling like he’s been thrown in the deep end and is desperately trying to catch up. However, he feels like it is ta ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Hailing in a New Era

The Sassy Scientist – Hailing in a New Era

The term has just begun, you’ve settled into your new place and survived the tsunami of welcome events and inductions. But what now? There’s no guidebook to a PhD, which is why Lionel has asked us: What can I expect from the first few months of my PhD? Dear Lionel, Tears. You can expect so many tears. Or at least that was my experience anyway… And that’s not because doing a ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Perhaps Communication Isn’t Key

The Sassy Scientist – Perhaps Communication Isn’t Key

Lots of people think that the challenging things in academia all relate to the actual science, the nitty gritty coding, the paper writing, developing methodologies etc. However, I’m sure that you’ll be reassured by the fact that many of us are stuck with even the simplest of things. Thats why Alice has come to us asking: How can I stay in touch with my supervisor? Dear Alice, It sounds ...[Read More]

Focusing on doing research or worrying about paying expenses?

Focusing on doing research or worrying about paying expenses?

Scientists and inventors like Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Nikola Tesla paved the road for generations of young people to pursue a career in STEM. Their curiosity underpinned their passion for science. Unfortunately, the bright side of something usually hides a dark side too. For example, Nikola Tesla struggled to find financial support for his experiments and inventions, often ending u ...[Read More]