

The Sassy Scientist – The Web of Influence

The Sassy Scientist – The Web of Influence

Despite finishing his experiments and writing up his thesis during a pandemic, Markus wants to keep climbing the academic pyramid. Reflecting on some of his choices during his PhD, he now asks: I didn’t spend anytime building my network during my PhD. Can I get a postdoc? Dear Markus, Of course! Academia represents the pursuit of scientific knowledge and the expansion of our collective under ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – EGU GA 2020 RIP: MTFBWY

The Sassy Scientist – EGU GA 2020 RIP: MTFBWY

Tokío’s contract is about to expire. Confident she would convince someone to hire her through expert presentations, astute questions, insightful discussions and uncanny charm, she now frets: I was counting on networking at the EGU GA to find a new job, but now I can’t. What can I do? Dear Tokío, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Don’t trap yourself in a panicking fit just ...[Read More]