

Modeling the Early Earth: Idealization and its Aims I

Modeling the Early Earth: Idealization and its Aims I

The question of how we came to be is closely tied with how the Earth became what it now is. What was the early Earth like? How did it evolve to become a habitable world? Given a fragmentary rock record, how can we investigate the early Earth and its evolution? Dr. Junjie Dong from Caltech writes about modeling the early Earth in a two-part blog.  For the first part, he introduces the approach to e ...[Read More]

Modelling Magma Propagation in Three Dimensions – Or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

Modelling Magma Propagation in Three Dimensions – Or: How I Learnt to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

The crisis unfolding these days in Grindavík, Iceland reminds us of how important it is to forecast volcanic activity. Predicting the outcomes of volcanic unrest, or a magmatic intrusion making its way towards the surface, essentially amounts to three questions. Will there be an eruption? How much time before it starts? Where exactly will the eruption occur? Answering any of these questions is a d ...[Read More]



Would you like to participate in the development of a completely new research field? Here is the opportunity – Biogeodynamics! Biogeodynamics is an emerging field with exciting research opportunities. In this blog post professors Taras Gerya, Loïc Pellissier, and Robert Stern talk about what is Bio-Geo-Dynamics, how this field is developing, and what are the challenges and opportunities ahead. A n ...[Read More]

Journey of the Indian plate

Journey of the Indian plate

Plume craton interaction is a fascinating geological phenomenon. The Indian plate, which has experienced several plume eruptions underneath it, is one of the best locations to study the effect of plume craton interaction. In this week’s news and view, I will provide an overview of the controversy and hypotheses related to the plume craton interaction within the Indian plate since the mid-Cre ...[Read More]