Born at the feet of active volcanoes, a group of young Earth scientists works for connecting colleagues in Italy and around the globe. One of the main challenges faced by those approaching the academic career for the first time is creating a network of known people with whom sharing scientific knowledge and maybe lay the foundations for new collaborations. Conferences are definitely the perfect pl ...[Read More]
What’s the role of hotspot and oceanic transform faults at ultraslow spreading ridge?

Mid-ocean ridges (MOR) and hotspots are two types of magmatic activity occurring in the ocean. The MORs are typically associated with another tectonic feature—oceanic transform faults. While numerous studies have focused on the interactions within MORs, hotspots, and transform faults, there has been limited research on cases where a hotspot and a transform fault are located at the same end ...[Read More]
Science Sisters Season 2 is out now!
Science Sisters is a lighthearted interview series where Iris van Zelst (postdoc at the German Aerospace Center) chats with lots of different people (with a focus on – but not limited to – women in science) to make some sense of the academic world. Filled with laughter and silliness, it explores different career paths, academic life, soft skills, and current issues in academia. At 15 t ...[Read More]
Geodynamica: Earth & Planets – a new diamond open access journal!

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Do you want to publish and access papers for free? Do you want to improve the system by promoting equitable publishing alternatives? Then read on to learn about Geodynamica: Earth & Planets: a new community-powered Diamond Open Access Journal (DOAJ)! Join the conversation on discord by following this link. Diamond Open What? Diamond Open Access journals are peer-reviewed journals that are free ...[Read More]