Starting to teach a course at a university can be an exciting but daunting experience. In today’s post Menno Fraters shares his experiences of starting to teach a class of 100+ students during the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic. He provides three quick tips for when you start teaching, that may be useful for teaching in academics. During your time as a PhD student, you may have al ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Masterful Mentoring
As frustrating as it seems every once in a while, Dara is confident still that his student will prevail and work out their troubles somehow. He contemplates his options, and seeks help to discern the correct approach: I am disappointed that my PhD student is going in circles. How shall I put pressure on them to finally get results? Dear Dara, Ah yes. The ol’ disappointing student. Life’ ...[Read More]
Introducing the new blog team!
A new year, a new blog team! During the virtual EGU, we managed to find a lot of new people for the blog. In addition, some oldies but goldies will stay on, and, unfortunately, some editors also resigned (but they might still pop up every once in a while with a cheeky post). So, without further ado, here are the superstars of the blog team for the 2020-2021 EGU blog year who will provide you with ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Stranded, Not Forgotten
Blanka was scouring the field for evidence, collecting samples and making do with the supplies for a short field trip expeditiously. And then she couldn’t travel back home anymore: I am stuck at my fieldwork location due to closed borders and social distancing. What to do? Dear Blanka, That must be very inconvenient. I do hope that you can manage with the restrictions placed upon your moveme ...[Read More]