

Carbon in the cloud

Carbon in the cloud

If I asked you about what your carbon footprint is, your mind might jump to the food choices you make when at the supermarket, or how many conferences you fly to when you could get a train (well, not now, but you know, back in ye olden days). In this week’s post, Eoghan Totten, a PhD student at the University of Oxford, discusses the potential “hidden” impacts on your contributio ...[Read More]

Thinking inside the (sand)box

Thinking inside the (sand)box

Ahhh analogue models… Those beautiful little (or not so little) worlds inside a box, captivatingly beautiful, impossibly detailed… (sorry, getting carried away, am I?). This week, Alex Hughes gives us the insider’s report on what actually goes on in analogue modelling labs when the “Experiment running, do not disturb!!” sign is on the door. Analogue models have been a ...[Read More]

What can we learn from geodynamic failure?

Artwork reading

In this week’s post, Mohamed Gouiza discusses the challenges of living under constant stress, paralysed by the possibility of failure and self-perceived inevitability of impending breakup. Continental rifting, of course! Oh… did you think I was talking about life as a researcher? Under tensile stress, the lithosphere stretches, the asthenosphere rises, the crust fails, and rifts form. During this ...[Read More]

Introducing the new blog team!

Introducing the new blog team!

A new year, a new blog team! During the virtual EGU, we managed to find a lot of new people for the blog. In addition, some oldies but goldies will stay on, and, unfortunately, some editors also resigned (but they might still pop up every once in a while with a cheeky post). So, without further ado, here are the superstars of the blog team for the 2020-2021 EGU blog year who will provide you with ...[Read More]