
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Dress Code Delirium

The Sassy Scientist – Dress Code Delirium

Unsettled by a well-nigh void wardrobe, Giuseppe bethinks himself of his scholarly stature and posits to moot that his foibles and idiosyncrasies are promulgated through a predilection for plebeian raiments: What should a scientist dress like? Dear Giuseppe, Firstly, heave thine integral collection of aforementioned raiments atop a scorching blaze and instill upon thyself the manner they evanesce. ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Bra-Burning Bingo

The Sassy Scientist – Bra-Burning Bingo

As a first rate scientist, Kev makes a keen observation about the lack of diversity in the Augustus Love Medal nominations, but is struggling to come to a conclusion to the question: Why is there a lack of nominations for established female scientists for the Augustus Love Medal of the EGU Geodynamics Division? Dear Kev, I’m no Sherlock, but the elementary answer is: not enough EGU members n ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Publication FOMO

The Sassy Scientist – Publication FOMO

In between homeschooling three children, Zoom meetings, online teaching, Skype vivas, and emergency grant reviews, Alex wonders: How do I keep track of all the newly published research out there? Dear Alex, I am sure it’s on the minds of many of our fellow academics, who just reside bored in their homes at these times. What else to do during a pandemic other than scouring Twitter for the new ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Rock-‘N’-Roll

The Sassy Scientist – Rock-‘N’-Roll

Aïda rummages around within the lavish ball pit of rock samples as often as not, but is left unsure which rock type should be her number one: What is your favourite rock? Dear Aïda, I’ll be honest with you. Yeah, I’m surprised too… I don’t occupy myself that often with constructing countdown lists of rock types, and simply consider all rocks as equally and most important. O ...[Read More]