
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – sassy.disp(title = ‘geo-programming’);

The Sassy Scientist – sassy.disp(title = ‘geo-programming’);

With time to spare during self-isolation and local lockdown, Mark wonders: What programming language should I learn for my geoscience career? Dear Mark, The pandemic has made us look long and hard at our career choices. Were you inspired as a student by a cool field geologist in a documentary? Were you profoundly marked by that school trip at an active volcano? Did you fell in love with coral reef ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Diamonds Are Forever

The Sassy Scientist – Diamonds Are Forever

Jade feels uncomfortable as she glides across the multi-faceted piazza of Earth sciences. Sometimes parents should think a tad longer about prospective names for their progeny, especially in case they push them into the world of minerals, rocks and equations-of-state. With all the facts on jade in her back-pocket, Jade wonders whether she should brush up and expand her knowledge: What is your favo ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Only Time Will Tell

The Sassy Scientist – Only Time Will Tell

Being a geophysicist, Eocenia is well aware of the fundamental cyclical rhythm of life – inbox time, coffee time, lunch time, nap time, scream-at-the-cluster time, tea time, pub time, late-night-coding time. But apparently stratigraphers just don’t accept this universal cycle, leaving us all with the question: When will geologists figure out time? Dear Eocenia, Ma or Myr? Either would ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The Story of Plate Tectonics

The Sassy Scientist – The Story of Plate Tectonics

As a new coping mechanism with reality, Sascha has been digging into some science history and asked: How did scientists discover plate tectonics? Dear Sascha, I do enjoy a good walk on the memory lane of scientific discoveries. You might know by now that great insight is gained when we look at data with fresh eyes. Hence, lots of advances in certain narrow scientific fields come from outsiders. In ...[Read More]