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The Sassy Scientist

I am currently employed at a first tier research institute where I am continuously working with the greatest minds to further our understanding of the solid Earth system. Whether it is mantle or lithosphere structure and dynamics, solid Earth rheology parameters, earthquake processes, integrating observations with model predictions or inversions: you have read a paper of mine. Even if you are working on a topic I haven’t mentioned here, I still know everything about it. Do you have any problems in your research career? I have already experienced them. Do you struggle with your work-life balance? Been there, done that. Nowadays, I have only one hobby: helping you out by answering the most poignant questions in geodynamics, research and life. I am waiting for you right here. Get inspired.

The Sassy Scientist – The Final Hurdle

The Sassy Scientist – The Final Hurdle

While coming down from a caffeine-high after his online thesis submission, Giulio think about the next step: How should I prepare for my geodynamics PhD viva? Dear Giulio, I like how you omitted to specify if your viva is online or offline, but I am working under the assumption that everything happens in the virtual realm now. It seems unbelievable now that busy academics such as myself used to fl ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Reaching For The Stars

The Sassy Scientist – Reaching For The Stars

In a world of repetitive home office clean-ups, Freya is teetering on the brink of mental breakdown. Whereas al of our brilliant suggestions, such as cooking, befriending your neighbours, brush up on your programming skills, consider a career outside academia, acquiring new hobbies or wasting your time watching silly movies, have not posed good enough of an answer to alleviate the worries floating ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – I Am A Rock

The Sassy Scientist – I Am A Rock

With real-life water cooler time at a premium, Paul has found that talking about the weather and Emily in Paris just isn’t breaking the ice. By Zoom, he asks possibly the worst qualified person in geodynamics: How can you turn your colleagues into friends? Dear Paul, Why would you want to? You only have a contract of up to three years, so by the time you’ve moved on from Emily in Paris ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Mi Outcrop Es Su Casa

The Sassy Scientist – Mi Outcrop Es Su Casa

Stuck at home, Roger keeps alive the hope of returning to fieldwork. Obviously, he wants my thoughts on: What are your top tips for planning fieldwork during a pandemic? Dear Roger, I see you started the long and costly process of planning remote fieldwork, only to have it cancelled by a pandemic. Given the huge uncertainties you have two big options ahead of you (and no middle group of course, be ...[Read More]