
Kiran Chotalia

To go or not to go (to my PhD graduation)?

To go or not to go (to my PhD graduation)?

You’ve come to the end of your PhD and after years and years of hard work, one last question remains: “Should I go to my PhD graduation?”. This week, we have one of our editors Kiran Chotalia sharing her two cents after she finally attended her in-person graduation this year after it was delayed by the pandemic (TLDR; definitely go!). In March 2020, after four and a half years of hard work, meetin ...[Read More]

Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferences are a vital part of academic life but with many conferences moving online due to the pandemic, the virtual conference hall can be a minefield! After a year of conferencing from afar, Kiran Chotalia shares the tips and tricks to make the conference experience live from your living room a breeze! It would be an understatement to say it has been quite the year. Travel restrictions put a f ...[Read More]