
BeGEO scientists 2025: the 3rd conference of young Earth scientists in Italy

BeGEO scientists 2025: the 3rd conference of young Earth scientists in Italy

Born at the feet of active volcanoes, a group of young Earth scientists works for connecting colleagues in Italy and around the globe.

One of the main challenges faced by those approaching the academic career for the first time is creating a network of known people with whom sharing scientific knowledge and maybe lay the foundations for new collaborations. Conferences are definitely the perfect place for meeting new colleagues but sometimes a dense schedule inhibit the hunger for public relationship. Raise the hand whoever found themselves dazed and confused at their first crowded conference. Being part of a community is definitely a way to start interacting with peers and enjoying one of the best parts of being a researcher: the opportunity to continuously learn, exchange ideas, and collaborate with passionate individuals who share the same curiosity and drive to push the boundaries of knowledge.

BeGEO is a no-profit organization born in Naples (Italy) in 2020 to foster the networking and spread the scientific knowledge among the new generations of researchers in Earth Sciences ( Since then, the association has been promoting a series of initiatives, including monthly webinar series and an international conference held each two years, finding support from important Italian and international universities and institutions. During the BeGEO Conference early career researchers, PhD and graduating students gather to meet and present their scientific results in a nice and friendly environment.

First edition of BeGEO in 2020 (credit: author)

The 3rd edition of BeGEO Scientists is entitled “Working for future challenges in Earth Sciences” and will be held in Naples the 17-19 November 2025 ( This edition is sponsored and supported by many institutions, including the European Space Agency, main sponsor for the event. Plenary sections and round-tables are planned, with a focus on cutting edge topics, such as the application of space technologies in Earth Sciences, diversity equity and inclusion in Earth Sciences, and new strategies for adaptation and resilience to climate changes.

This year, four field-trips are planned:

  1.  a volcanology field-trip at Mt. Vesuvius
  2. a tectonics field-trip in Irpinia
  3. a stratigraphy field-trip at Agropoli (SA)
  4. an eco-tour to the historical city center, the Real Museo Mineralogico and the Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV).


Please find more information on the conference at the link above. You are welcome to submit your abstract by 31 March 2025 here:

Alessandro is a post-doc researcher in solid Earth geophysics at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa (Italy). He is interested in the use of geodetic techniques to investigates tectonic and volcanic processes in active rift contexts. He currently uses InSAR to study the pathways of magma prior and during dike intrusions and its relationship with fault activation. In BeGEO, Alessandro is vice-secretary and delegate for the geophysics area.

She is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Plymouth (UK). Her research interests span from the role of fault networks with complex geometries in earthquake processes to the link of the lithospheric structure with observed seismic deformation. She is co-editor-in-chief of the GD blog team.

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