Hydrological Sciences


May the year-end be Exceptional, not only hydrologically!

May the year-end be Exceptional, not only hydrologically!

What a hydrological year it has been!  From the winter drought and flash floods detailed in Matano and Avanzi‘s blog post to the remarkably warm and wet November 2023, Europe has witnessed a range of extraordinary weather phenomena. In the Alpine region, the convergence of warm and wet weather resulted in numerous rain-on-snow events (see eg. the streamflow recording below), offering valuabl ...[Read More]

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology

Interdisciplinary research within hydrology has become a major task for hydrologists. But what are the main advantages and challenges reflecting to break the academic silos?  What is interdisciplinary water research? Interdisciplinary research activities within human-water research have increased in recent years, not only in terms of research proposals and requests from funding agencies (such as t ...[Read More]

How far can we take the DORA rules?

How far can we take the DORA rules?

DORA stands for Declaration on Research Assessment, also known as the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. The declaration was developed back in 2012 during the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco and has become a worldwide initiative since then. The country where you are currently reading this post has most probably signed the declaration (the cou ...[Read More]

How has ChatGPT changed the way you teach hydrology?

How has ChatGPT changed the way you teach hydrology?

Have you ever used ChatGPT to teach hydrology? If so, when did you start? I opened my account on openai.com in November 2022, out of curiosity, to test GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer generation 3). This was shortly before ChatGPT was launched (30 November 2022). Now, I even have a paid account to speed up the preparation of non-scientific texts, e.g. teaching materials on the use of Exce ...[Read More]