Hydrological Sciences

Conference highlights

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Do you know when the Hydrological Sciences Division had their first Early Career Scientist representative? Or who the division president was in 2016? Check the answers below, where we list these and other historical highlights over almost 20 years of the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division. Overall, the most striking fact is certainly the steady growth and diversification of the community and the ...[Read More]

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

It’s the end of 2021! For our HS Blog, it is time to recap what we have published during the year (in case you want to go further back in time, you can also check the 2019 and the 2020 recaps). In 2021, we published 23 posts, covering a large range of topics, as you can see below. We warmly thank all the authors and contributors that made it possible. We hope you have enjoyed reading their c ...[Read More]

Goodbye 2021: looking forward to the challenges ahead

Goodbye 2021: looking forward to the challenges ahead

When I started as Division president, at the General Assembly in 2019, I thought: “Well, my predecessors were very nice; people did not complain (at least not too much), so I guess I can do exactly as they did.” I was not expecting a virus pandemic that would change so many things, including moving, with short notice, all activities online! As I mentioned in a previous post, I cannot hide that the ...[Read More]

What EGU Division presidents actually do

What EGU Division presidents actually do

During the recent EGU Autumn 2021 elections, Alberto Viglione, from Politecnico di Torino, was elected as the new president of the Division on Hydrological Sciences. As a first-time elected division president, he will be inaugurated during the EGU General Assembly in April 2022 in Vienna, and serve for one year as Deputy President after the inauguration. He will then serve as division President fo ...[Read More]