The upcoming annual EGU General assembly in Vienna is a fantastic opportunity for early career scientists (ECS) to engage with the international hydrological community, present their work, and build their networks. But with the multitude of sessions, events, and lectures, it can be tricky to assemble your personal program – especially if it’s your first time attending EGU. We’ve got your ba ...[Read More]
A lot of hydrology at EGU23, again!
EGU General Assembly 2023 is coming soon, 23–28 April 2023, with more than 16,000 presentations (orals, posters, and PICOs) that will be delivered and viewed both onsite in Vienna (Austria Center Vienna) and virtually (through Gather.Town). Great news this year: The poster sessions are back, and all formats (orals, posters and PICOs) will have a hybrid component, offering, in different ways, means ...[Read More]
EGU General Assembly for Newcomers … or those who are coming back to it
I am finally going back to Vienna this year for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (GA) in April, for the first time since 2019. Strangely, I am now with this feeling of “finally back ‘home’ at the Austria Center Vienna”. I have been asking myself what is going to be different after these four years, who I will meet there, if the city has changed, which places I want to see agai ...[Read More]
100 Years of Hydrology: Celebrating the IAHS in the South of France
From May 29 to June 3, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) held its 11th Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France. Over 600 hydrologists from 65 countries attended the conference, which also celebrated the IAHS’ 100 year anniversary. The day after the closing of the EGU General Assembly in Vienna on May 27, hundreds of hydrologists packed their bags and set out on a jou ...[Read More]