Hydrological Sciences

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

2021 Recap of the HS Blog

It’s the end of 2021!

For our HS Blog, it is time to recap what we have published during the year (in case you want to go further back in time, you can also check the 2019 and the 2020 recaps).

In 2021, we published 23 posts, covering a large range of topics, as you can see below. We warmly thank all the authors and contributors that made it possible. We hope you have enjoyed reading their contributions. If you missed any, it is the perfect time to catch up on your reading!

With a new division president just elected, the timing was perfect to review their role in EGU and some challenges ahead:

Also on EGU activities, the annual General Assembly was the topic of some posts:

Other key events and meetings were also highlighted:

Communicating science & teaching hydrology can be exciting in many ways:

And diversity remains a key issue in many aspects:

COVID times prompt many reflections…

Hydrological data & modelling are always present in our discussions:

Let’s not forget our featured catchments:

Finally, don’t miss the many insights from our 2021 HS medallists and ECS Rep:

We wish you all a Happy New Year, with renewed forces in 2022 and, hopefully, more (and safe) in-person meetings!

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