
The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

Worldwide scientific cooperations, international meetings, internet-based literature. In today’s world we are deeply interconnected and the leading expert on that obscure method or topic you need to make your proposal truly interdisciplinary is just one email away. After all, global problems require global efforts (and lots of cheap labor bright and motivated young minds). Fen has a question ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Uncertain Certainties For A Certain Uncertainty

The Sassy Scientist –  Uncertain Certainties For A Certain Uncertainty

Whilst in constant debate with himself on how to address his own insecurities, Harry dabbles in the secret art of interdisciplinary studies. Specifically, mechano-thermo-chemical modeling with the input from experimental studies. Trying to move forward, he struggles: How can we combine all the uncertainties on experimental rock studies with modelling studies? Dear Harry, We can only try. Yours tru ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Finished Business

The Sassy Scientist – Finished Business

Writing a paper can be challenging. While it can be satisfactory to see your science coming together in a consistent story, writing a nice paper requires you to prepare appealing figures, a bullett-proof text and, potentially, dealing with co-autors. Mirja asks: How do I finish a paper? Dear Mirja, Interesting question: over (more than a) few beers I heard colleagues and peers wondering how to sta ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – It’s All In The Mix

The Sassy Scientist – It’s All In The Mix

Mare needs to secure some funding. Trotting through previous successful applications, she finds a common denominator. As a purebred scientist, she bellows: How important is interdisciplinary research for a research proposal? Dear Mare, Very important. Realistically, you’ll not get funded in case you’re a one-trick pony. Who will hand over their pouch of gold nuggets to someone who will ...[Read More]