

Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferencing during a pandemic: lessons learned

Conferences are a vital part of academic life but with many conferences moving online due to the pandemic, the virtual conference hall can be a minefield! After a year of conferencing from afar, Kiran Chotalia shares the tips and tricks to make the conference experience live from your living room a breeze! It would be an understatement to say it has been quite the year. Travel restrictions put a f ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – On The Rocks

The Sassy Scientist – On The Rocks

Sitting here and enjoying the view on the third rock from the Sun, Nana wants to get into the details. The whole may be more than the sum of the parts, but those parts can be pretty interesting too: What’s the most important rock? Dear Nana, I so value your decision to contact me; I decided to take your question very seriously and do some actual research. Method: how many abstracts were subm ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Classic Conference

The Sassy Scientist – Classic Conference

Maddie is in the final stretch of her PhD track. Whilst finalizing the last couple of figures and jotting down the last couple of paragraphs for her thesis, she checks the institutional web pages for job opportunities ferociously. Coming up blank, she mutters: How important is a social network for obtaining a future job in academia? Dear Maddie, It is absolutely paramount. You don’t seriously thin ...[Read More]

What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly

What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly

This year, once again, the EGU General Assembly (GA) will be completely online. The 2021 GA will include all components of an in-presence EGU GA, such as sharing scientific content, connecting with your peers, making new contacts, attending short courses, etc. With the virtual GA looming in one week, it’s time for all attendees to finish (or start..) their scientific contributions and figure out h ...[Read More]