

The Sassy Scientist – Of Codes And Cares

The Sassy Scientist – Of Codes And Cares

On the matter of code choices, Alexa could have asked Siri, but instead chose an old-fashioned medium of enquiry compatible across all operating systems and wrote in to ask: Should I perform my research with an in-house code, an open source code or a commercial code? Dear Alexa, As a famous novel does not quite begin, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a geodynamicist in possession of a g ...[Read More]

What is FAIR for Geodynamics?

What is FAIR for Geodynamics?

A very important part of science, which is getting more and more attention, is how to share and manage our data. This week, Adina E. Pusok, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, shares thoughts and tips on how to make our science fairer. So, what is FAIR for Geodynamics? This is a big question! I would say that what is fair for geodynamics is fair for a ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Inclusive Mentoring 101 1.0

The Sassy Scientist – Inclusive Mentoring 101 1.0

In anticipation of a remote and highly-sanitised new academic year, with a new cohort of virus-carrying PhDs, Chris wonders: What do you do if students come from different cultural backgrounds where student participation and discussion is not valued? Dear Chris, Easy: you jump three times and clap with joy as you just hit JACKPOT! Do you finally have a student who does not question your great wisd ...[Read More]

What controls Victoria microplate rotation in the East African Rift?

Lake Magadi, Kenya.

This week in News & Views, Anne Glerum, postdoc at GFZ Potsdam, discusses how her numerical models support a lithosphere-driven mechanism for the rotation of large continental microplates, like Victoria in the East African Rift System. The East African Rift System (EARS) is a newly forming divergent boundary between the Nubian and Somalian plates (Fig. 1). The plate boundary system includes se ...[Read More]