

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

“Impostor syndrome” is a condition that leads some of the most brilliant minds of our generation to question their right of being called a “scientist”, even if they are researching a cure for cancer. Or the Earth sciences equivalent of curing cancer. Tatiana may have impostor syndrome as she brilliantly describes one of the symptoms with her question: Where do you find the ...[Read More]

Where are the far-side deep moonquakes?

Where are the far-side deep moonquakes?

The Moon is our nearest neighbour but despite its proximity to Earth its two faces are still veiled in mystery! This week PhD student Alice Turner from the University of Oxford explores deep lunar seismicity and what this can (or cannot!) tell us about the Moon’s interior and its near- & far-sides! Outlining the Earth and its Moon with seismicity    Mapping out the locations of earthquak ...[Read More]

What to expect from EGU22: hybrid General Assembly

What to expect from EGU22: hybrid General Assembly

This year, the EGU General Assembly 2022 (EGU22) will be in hybrid form, with on-site events in Vienna (returning after three years of absence), while at the same time introducing new concepts to include virtual attendees as much as possible. With the hybrid conference looming in just a few weeks, it’s time for all attendees to finish (or start..) their scientific contributions and figure out how ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Take Some Time Off!

The Sassy Scientist – Take Some Time Off!

Yo Han feels the need to please everyone. His collaborators, supervisor, office mates, faculty staff and his family (they’re low on the list though). Overly ambitious yet with the weight of the world on his shoulders, he sighs: How can I feel less pressure in my work? Dear Yo Han, Don’t worry so much. I know it’s a stupid answer, and some people just seem to not be able to take t ...[Read More]