
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – A Bauta, Not A Mirror

The Sassy Scientist – A Bauta, Not A Mirror

Teresa has attended a conference or two. She published a paper or three, co-convened an EGU session or four and was ‘part of a research team’ or five (meaning: did most of the work and ended up as co-author number ‘who-cares’ in the list). Disillusioned she sighs: How do I get senior scientists to take me seriously as an academic? Dear Teresa, I know, right? One could almos ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The Virtual Welcome Drink

The Sassy Scientist – The Virtual Welcome Drink

We live in crazy times! Remember the times when we could just hang out with people without fear of being infected by a life-threatening desease? Me neither. Fasim asks a question that must be keeping a lot of us up at night: First day on new job in quarantine…what do I do? Dear Fasim, First of all, be happy you actually landed said job. In today’s market that is always good cause for celebra ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Swimming with the Sharks

The Sassy Scientist – Swimming with the Sharks

While savouring a refreshing beverage and browsing through news of [yet another] dystopian summer, Ethan keeps receiving notifications from his e-mail. It turns out that he is insistently being asked to review (again and again) a paper. Naturally, he turns to me to ask: How can I refuse doing paper reviews? Dear Ethan, A question as old as time academia! The increase in publication volumes in the ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Run For The Hills

The Sassy Scientist – Run For The Hills

Annalisa is in the final stretch of her PhD. Just a couple of paragraphs to jot down, an introduction to write and some final touches to finalize the figures. Whilst looking around for new opportunities, she comes across an opportunity in her own department. Struggling to decide what to do, she inquires: Should I do a post-doc as far away as possible from my PhD location? Dear Annalisa, Ad Maiora ...[Read More]