
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – It’s All In The Mix

The Sassy Scientist – It’s All In The Mix

Mare needs to secure some funding. Trotting through previous successful applications, she finds a common denominator. As a purebred scientist, she bellows: How important is interdisciplinary research for a research proposal? Dear Mare, Very important. Realistically, you’ll not get funded in case you’re a one-trick pony. Who will hand over their pouch of gold nuggets to someone who will ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Postdoc Purgatory

The Sassy Scientist – Postdoc Purgatory

Postdoc appointments: the forgotten terrace of Purgatory. Where researchers are sentenced to linger till either a position opens in the Heaven of permanent contracts, or they realise that, after all, they are not interested anymore. This terrace is composed of different levels of various length. Nobody knows how many levels there are and how long they are, or should be. Raul asks: What is the idea ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Comment – Reply – Comment – Reply – …

The Sassy Scientist – Comment – Reply – Comment – Reply – …

Diane is on top of her research. Not only that, her education is unparalleled and with this background she is therefore in a perfect position to adjudicate the works of others: A scientist I know published a paper drawing the wrong conclusions from their own research. How should I let them know? Dear Diane, As per the title of this very post, you simply write a comment. Submit this to the journal ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Down to the Core

The Sassy Scientist – Down to the Core

We all want our five minutes in the spotlight. It could be the long-awaited moment you finally get to give an oral presentation at EGU, in front of an audience eager to absorb every single word that comes out of your mouth and every single slide like they are solving all open issues in all the geosciences. But not all research fields are created equal and, let’s face it, some fields seem to ...[Read More]