
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Need For Compliments

The Sassy Scientist – Need For Compliments

Scientists are starved for recognition. When that little compliment we have been fishing for does not arrive from our supervisor, but from an unkown benefactor, we tend to open our hearts to them. But we should be careful about our new email besties. Delfina asks: Publishers have approached me for a book deal. How do I proceed? Dear Delfina, For the vast majority of the times, ignore them. Chances ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Take Nothing For Granted

The Sassy Scientist – Take Nothing For Granted

Frustrated that her peers have won prestigious grants, while she has no money in the bank whatsoever, Bonnie asks: How do I win a big grant? Dear Bonbon, Everybody knows that the only way to win a grant is by having already won grants. Or awards. I’m not picky. And don’t think that I am joking about this. I am dead serious. At the very least you should have something on your CV that ma ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

The Sassy Scientist – Bad Coffee

Worldwide scientific cooperations, international meetings, internet-based literature. In today’s world we are deeply interconnected and the leading expert on that obscure method or topic you need to make your proposal truly interdisciplinary is just one email away. After all, global problems require global efforts (and lots of cheap labor bright and motivated young minds). Fen has a question ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Uncertain Certainties For A Certain Uncertainty

The Sassy Scientist –  Uncertain Certainties For A Certain Uncertainty

Whilst in constant debate with himself on how to address his own insecurities, Harry dabbles in the secret art of interdisciplinary studies. Specifically, mechano-thermo-chemical modeling with the input from experimental studies. Trying to move forward, he struggles: How can we combine all the uncertainties on experimental rock studies with modelling studies? Dear Harry, We can only try. Yours tru ...[Read More]