
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – Chill Pill Refill

The Sassy Scientist – Chill Pill Refill

Angela is one to stress out just a wee bit every time a conference is right around the corner. It’s almost like she consistently doesn’t prepare in time. Ever so slightly concerned, her office mate asks: How last minute is too last minute when preparing for a conference? Dear Angela, Just take a breather and come down from your academic productivity high! It’s an untenable situat ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Faulty Segments

The Sassy Scientist – Faulty Segments

`Segmentation fault’. One of the most annoying things ever to appear on our screens. Right up there with `fftw.h not found’. Compilation errors are the (rock-hard) bread and (rancid) butter of any of us that need to debug write codes. Tahina is deeply down the rabbit hole and asks: Why does my code not compile? Dear Tahina, I am assuming you already thoroughly searched Stack Exchange f ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The Nonsense Of Open Research

The Sassy Scientist – The Nonsense Of Open Research

Enzo submitted his manuscript for review at one of those well-known, Earth science-niche journals. However, shortly thereafter he received an email by his editor that it was rejected. Reason being that not enough research was added in the manuscript. Furious, he bellows: When is my research open enough to be published? Dear Enzo, I know, right? It seems that over the past few years the need to giv ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Trumping Regrets

The Sassy Scientist – Trumping Regrets

To leave or not to leave (academia)? If I had a penny for every time I heard the various declinations of this question…I would have left academia. Gisele has thoughts about a specific aspect of this topic and joins the choir: How do you leave academia without feeling like a failure? Dear Gisele, You cannot. But then again, it’s better to feel like a failure and cry about it in a Lambor ...[Read More]