
Ask The Sassy Scientist

The Sassy Scientist – The Spinning Top

The Sassy Scientist – The Spinning Top

Whether from posed questions, other blog posts and cinematic detours, the core of Earth is every now and then sparking some interest. In a similar way “Inception” or “Shutter Island” spark interest: it sounds cool, you want to get what is going on, but although you tried several times, you still don’t get it. Today I will report on the answer to a question originally ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

The Sassy Scientist – Programmed Screaming

Live from the EGU assembly, from an anonymous chair in an anonymous room in the Vienna International Centre, during an anonymous session on some geoscience-related topic, my commitment of reporting the truth as-is does not stop. Siri has recently asked a very practical question concerning the organisation of your EGU experience: How do you make your own personal programme for EGU without screaming ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

The Sassy Scientist – Where’s That Tree? I Need Another Didgeridoo!

Mathieu is putting the final touches on his presentation for next week’s crazy science rumble also known as the EGU GA. A hybrid meeting of sorts nonetheless. Scrolling through the schedule, he exasperates: How do you make the most of yet another, sorta-kinda hybrid meeting? Dear Mathieu, Well…. you don’t. You just go through he motions like any other “fun new experience ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

The Sassy Scientist – Fake It Till You Make It

“Impostor syndrome” is a condition that leads some of the most brilliant minds of our generation to question their right of being called a “scientist”, even if they are researching a cure for cancer. Or the Earth sciences equivalent of curing cancer. Tatiana may have impostor syndrome as she brilliantly describes one of the symptoms with her question: Where do you find the ...[Read More]