
Ziqi Ma

Ziqi Ma (Maggie) is a PhD candidate at the Department of Earth Sciences, University College London (UCL). Her research focuses on 3D numerical models of plume-lithosphere and plume-ridge interactions using a modified version of the mantle-convection code CITCOM.

New Insights into Plume Buoyancy Fluxes and Dynamic Topography from Numerical Modelling

New Insights into Plume Buoyancy Fluxes and Dynamic Topography from Numerical Modelling

Figure 1. Illustration of the hotspot swell and plume buoyancy flux. White dashed line shows the original seafloor topography due to half-space cooling. Dark green line represents the surface dynamic topography caused by the dynamic uplift of the plume. One of the main surface expressions of dynamic topography are hotpot swells formed by mantle plumes. In this week’s post, Ziqi Ma, PhD candi ...[Read More]