
Shreeja Das

Shreeja Das is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel. She has been working on several applications of the novel technique of FEMR in numerous geological studies since her PhD. Currently, she is associated with Dr. Vladimir Frid, one of the pioneers of this technique, and is exploring the properties of electromagnetic radiation during earthquakes along the Dead Sea region.

FEMR: An emerging “game changer” in predicting earthquakes and impending geohazards.

FEMR: An emerging “game changer” in predicting earthquakes and impending geohazards.

In this week’s blog, Shreeja Das,  a Post Doctoral researcher at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Ashdod, Israel working with Dr. Vladimir Frid, discusses her research involving the use of FEMR waves and its use as a tool in predicting impending geohazards , some of her results obtained using said technique to study transform fault activity along the Dead Sea Transform fault. Earthqu ...[Read More]