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The Sassy Scientist

I am currently employed at a first tier research institute where I am continuously working with the greatest minds to further our understanding of the solid Earth system. Whether it is mantle or lithosphere structure and dynamics, solid Earth rheology parameters, earthquake processes, integrating observations with model predictions or inversions: you have read a paper of mine. Even if you are working on a topic I haven’t mentioned here, I still know everything about it. Do you have any problems in your research career? I have already experienced them. Do you struggle with your work-life balance? Been there, done that. Nowadays, I have only one hobby: helping you out by answering the most poignant questions in geodynamics, research and life. I am waiting for you right here. Get inspired.

The Sassy Scientist – Academic survivor Ep.987

The Sassy Scientist – Academic survivor Ep.987

Is it a good day to have a meltdown? It’s cold and there is sun outside, neh maybe not. Procrastinating even having a meltdown. But this audience doesn’t even let me do that. Today, we’re answering Kai’s question: Why do we consider leaving academia a failure? Dear Kai, Sorry, the question ended up in my spam folder, otherwise, I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t ignore poking the hornet’s ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – the one with covid blues

The Sassy Scientist –  the one with covid blues

Did I get sick again? Covid, is that you? Long time no see. It’d be better if you left me alone, but I guess we don’t have much choice here, do we? While I’m knocked out by the sedatives to stop my lungs from squeezing themselves out, I ended up thinking about one of the questions I got recently. So, today, we’re answering Ron’s question: Am I getting more stupid or is the PhD getting smarter? Dea ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Trick or Treat?

The Sassy Scientist – Trick or Treat?

Seasons change, and so do our passions. My climate anxiety? Yeah, it’s on the rise, like the global average temperature. So, Mae asks: My research field feels stagnant (or even dying), with limited opportunities, and I have developed new interests. How hard is it to change fields/direction after your PhD? Dear Mae, I mean this is kind of perfect for the wasteful spooky season. What could be scarie ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – Academic Motion Sickness

The Sassy Scientist – Academic Motion Sickness

The first year of a PhD can quickly shift from an exciting adventure (“Ok I got this“) to an exasperating rollercoaster (“What I am doing here? What if I just move to a husky farm in Canada?“). Marina, has reached that stage and, after having exhausted her patience scrolling through <insert your preferred social media platorm here> in search of threads on how to boost ...[Read More]