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The Sassy Scientist

I am currently employed at a first tier research institute where I am continuously working with the greatest minds to further our understanding of the solid Earth system. Whether it is mantle or lithosphere structure and dynamics, solid Earth rheology parameters, earthquake processes, integrating observations with model predictions or inversions: you have read a paper of mine. Even if you are working on a topic I haven’t mentioned here, I still know everything about it. Do you have any problems in your research career? I have already experienced them. Do you struggle with your work-life balance? Been there, done that. Nowadays, I have only one hobby: helping you out by answering the most poignant questions in geodynamics, research and life. I am waiting for you right here. Get inspired.

The Sassy Scientist – Extending the Extension

The Sassy Scientist – Extending the Extension

Looking towards yet another submission extension, Cameron can see the end of 2020, but not of their thesis: After how many chapters and papers PhD thesis can be considered as ‘complete’? Dear Cameron, What do you mean chapters *and* papers?! In my vast experience examining PhD students, when they finally finish, they have chapters *or* papers (barely!). If you are fortunate to publish ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The Art Of War

The Sassy Scientist – The Art Of War

It has been a while since Sun has published something. With working conditions improved, moral standards raised, publishing does and don’ts altered, the methods of funding acquisition have changed greatly during his quietude too. All puffed up again to get back in the game, Sun seeks to throw his hat in the ring: How can you make your research sexy more appealing? Dear Sun, Oh my … How ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – To Beer Or Not To Beer?

The Sassy Scientist – To Beer Or Not To Beer?

Theeerre ish noffink quite so dangerereroush as ashkink a seeeriouss question of scieeence at 18h30 on a Friday. Rudi inshtead ashks the not-at-all, definitely-not, who-me, ashking-for-a-friend queshtion: Can I get drunk at Friday Beers? Dear Rudi, Your question has more answers than asking a conference of geodynamicists what’s the best wine? With movement and beer restrictions in place, the ...[Read More]

The Sassy Scientist – The Final Hurdle

The Sassy Scientist – The Final Hurdle

While coming down from a caffeine-high after his online thesis submission, Giulio think about the next step: How should I prepare for my geodynamics PhD viva? Dear Giulio, I like how you omitted to specify if your viva is online or offline, but I am working under the assumption that everything happens in the virtual realm now. It seems unbelievable now that busy academics such as myself used to fl ...[Read More]