
Pauline Gayrin

Pauline is a doctoral researcher working in GFZ Potsdam, Germany. She is working on the development of new techniques to map and characterise the fault networks in continental rifts allowing a better global understanding of regional dynamics. She likes to study motion in general (of plates, of faults, etc.) using different approaches such as analogue modelling, satellite imagery.

Geekology #1: Matplotlib for geosciences, tips and tricks

Geekology #1: Matplotlib for geosciences, tips and tricks

This week inaugurates a new series of posts: Geekology, fusion of geek and geology. In this section, we will try to unravel tips and tricks of programming applied to geodynamics, from new innovative libraries to good programming practices, interviews with geologists who code and more! To kick off the series, this week’s article is written in collaboration with Baptiste Bordet, doctoral resea ...[Read More]