
edited by Adélaïde Allemand

PhD student working in Paris at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). She started her thesis in Decembre, 2023 on the 3D simulation of a conceptual strike-slip fault, using Discrete Element Modelling. She wants to study phenomena at scales ranging from the earthquake to the earthquake cycling. Her work addresses major topics such as: the geometry and propagation path of the coseismic rupture, the distribution of tectonic deformation, the evolution of the interseismic strain field, or the long term evolution of a strike-slip fault system.

Creativity and geology

Creativity and geology

Phoebe Sleath, a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen, guides us through the intersection of art and geology. She shares how she got into watercolour field sketching, how it became a valuable companion during her PhD journey, and how it serves as a powerful tool for communicating science Why do you like doing geoscience? Throughout my undergrad degree, I would have said: because I like mounta ...[Read More]