
Alessandro La Rosa and the BeGEO organizing team

Alessandro is a post-doc researcher in solid Earth geophysics at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa (Italy). He is interested in the use of geodetic techniques to investigates tectonic and volcanic processes in active rift contexts. He currently uses InSAR to study the pathways of magma prior and during dike intrusions and its relationship with fault activation. In BeGEO, Alessandro is vice-secretary and delegate for the geophysics area.

BeGEO scientists 2025: the 3rd conference of young Earth scientists in Italy

BeGEO scientists 2025: the 3rd conference of young Earth scientists in Italy

Born at the feet of active volcanoes, a group of young Earth scientists works for connecting colleagues in Italy and around the globe. One of the main challenges faced by those approaching the academic career for the first time is creating a network of known people with whom sharing scientific knowledge and maybe lay the foundations for new collaborations. Conferences are definitely the perfect pl ...[Read More]