The news has been super depressing, I need to hit myself deep in escapism. I hope this month’s question will be easy. Let’s see what we have this month …*two hours later*… So, Robin asks:
Some of the projects I’m involved in during my postdoc aren’t directly related to the grant funding of my salary. Should I list my PI as a co-author on papers resulting from this work?
Dear Robin,
Wow, thanks for throwing me a brainbuster when I was hoping for something a bit more laid-back! Just what I needed. I guess this is what we have, gotta work with it. Guess what my answer is going to be. I can already hear you thinking, “I bet you’re going to say no,” and guess what? You’re totally wrong! I need the full scoop here, obviously. How is this tied to your main project? Is this a grant coming from a project you have written (MSCA fund etc)? And what’s the deal with your PI’s involvement? You got it?
Now, let’s come to the juicy part. The main question here is I guess the last one. If your PI didn’t lift a finger for this project, why on Earth would you include them? Just because they hold the big chair in the lab? Ummmm… Seriously, have I taught you nothing about cutting out the unnecessary baggage in academia? –this just might mean you were right with your guess after all but my answer is rooted in the assumption that I don’t have any expectations from PIs.–
If you’ve got a solid relationship with your PI, why not have a little heart-to-heart? It’ll not only help clarify your dilemma but also reveal if they’re waving any red flags. Remember, “I had two chit-chats with you” doesn’t cut it as a contribution. We’re talking about real substance here!
Unfortunately, in academia, what is truly rewarded is whether you can work independently. Staying in the shadow of your supervisor won’t help you shine. If you’re curious about what being independent entails, that’s a story for another time -I can’t use all of my resources in one message, can I?-. Also, just because they fund the paper (well, technically, the university does) doesn’t mean they deserve credit for it. It’s not like they’re the sole author of the lab’s success! After all, we all know that credit is paper-thin in academia!
Yours sincerely,
The Sassy Scientist
p.s. The title is also from a song. Hmm, just realised that I have been secretly influencing your music taste. You’re welcome.
p.p.s. Should I make a sassy playlist?