The Geodynamics Division (GD) is looking for an enthusiastic geodynamicist to take up the position of Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative for 2024-2026! Our current ECS representative, Megan Holdt, will be handing over this position at EGU24. This role is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in EGU, contribute to building the geodynamics community and create a welcoming environment for early career researchers at the General Assembly (GA). In this week’s blog, Megan will share more about the role and how to apply.
What are the responsibilities of an ECS representative?
Each of the 22 Scientific Divisions has an ECS Representative. Broadly, their role is the represent the interests of early career scientists. Specifically, the GD ECS rep is responsible for:
- Supporting the activities of the GD ECS team. Our team of ~20 enthusiastic volunteers run the GD social media accounts, publish blog posts, promote outreach activities and convene the Geodynamics 101 short course.
- Attending virtual bi-monthly meetings with ECS representatives from other divisions. At these meetings we discuss GA planning, short course organisation, recommendations to council and working group updates.
- Organising networking events at the GA. These events include the ECS dinner, icebreaker events and other networking opportunities during the week of the GA.
- Contributing to the GD blog and supporting the blog editors-in-chief (Michaël Pons and Constanza Rodriguez Piceda).
- Sharing deadlines, opportunities and the latest research on social media.
Why should you become our next GD ECS representative?
The position of ECS representative is really rewarding! It’s been fantastic to work with the GD ECS team and with ECS representatives from other divisions. In this role, you’ll have the opportunity to work with both early career and senior scientists from across the world, so it’s a great way to expand your network. There are so many different ways to contribute within the role, which means that you can tailor your contribution to your interests and areas of expertise. It’s also a great opportunity to build upon your skill set outside of academic research. Finally, you will be able to contribute to the success of the General Assembly and advise on the strategic direction of EGU.
What are the eligibility requirements?
This position is open to anyone who is Early Career Scientist during the period 2024-2026. EGU defines an Early Career Scientist as “a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years.” There are some exceptions to the seven-year period, which are outlined here. Applicants must be available to take up the position of GD ECS representative at the EGU General Assembly in 2024, for a period of two years.
How do I apply?
Please apply via this form. The application deadline is Friday 26th January 2024 at 18:00 CET. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact Megan Holdt (ecs-gd@egu.eu). We look forward to hearing from you!