Iris and Menno have made fantastic science movie recommendations in the past couple of years – covering the base for bad-science movies. Since the AGU frenzy is finally over and the upcoming holidays beckon us, I went in a different direction and prepared a list of some of my feel-good holiday movies. 1. The Little Prince This is a fantasy movie based on a popular children’s book. The movie is cen ...[Read More]
The Sassy Scientist – Who Let The Dogs In?
Who doesn’t want to make themselves more at home at the office? We spend a lot of time there and there is nothing wrong in making it more homey for ourselves. But you wouldn’t want your colleagues to make themselves too much at home at the office. My office mates wouldn’t want me to keep my pet tarantula at the office. That’s why I had a sweet and short answer to Bob’ ...[Read More]
Would you like to participate in the development of a completely new research field? Here is the opportunity – Biogeodynamics! Biogeodynamics is an emerging field with exciting research opportunities. In this blog post professors Taras Gerya, Loïc Pellissier, and Robert Stern talk about what is Bio-Geo-Dynamics, how this field is developing, and what are the challenges and opportunities ahead. A n ...[Read More]
The Tectonic Memory of the Mantle

The study of the mantle aids in our understanding of the Earth’s tectonic evolution. In this week’s news and views, honours student Mr. Robert Marks shares his thoughts. Mr. Marks received his Bachelors (Hons) degree from the University of Wollongong under the supervision of Dr Nicolas Flament. The Earth’s mantle is filled with subducted slabs, which are remnants of tectonic plates tha ...[Read More]