Are you looking forward to EGU 2023? Planning to attend, either in-person or online? Here are a few things to consider. First of all, there are several options for financial support to attend the meeting. Secondly, if you are interested in playing a more active role in the coordination and organisation of EGU, we are looking for several people to join the organisational team within the EGU Geodynamics division. So if you are interested in any of these, please read on.
Every year, many thousands of researchers submit an abstract to EGU in order to present their results at the next meeting. But did you know that EGU offers financial support and fee waivers?
Firstly, there are registration fee waivers for virtual participation to EGU for scientists from low- or lower-middle income countries, as well as for undergraduate and Master’s students, and you can apply for these while doing your EGU registration.
Secondly, the Roland Schlich Travel Support is available to support on-site participation at the next EGU. This financial support can cover registration and abstract fees, and perhaps even your travel to Vienna. This support is available for early career scientists in general. But, in addition, specific funds are earmarked for participants from some European countries and for those from low-, lower-middle, and upper-middle income non-European countries. Support for established (i.e. non-early career) scientists from these countries is also available but the overall budget for that is more limited.
BUT ….
In order to be eligible for the Roland Schlich Travel Support, you must submit your abstract by 1st December 2022, 13:00 CET, i.e. very soon! So why not put your abstract together now, and submit it before this deadline with a chance to receive this travel support?
Furthermore, the Geodynamics division at EGU is looking to fill several Science Officer roles within the EGU Geodynamics division. The key task of Science Officers is to work together to design an exciting, diverse, broad, and inclusive geodynamics programme in the future EGU conferences. For more information, please click on the following links for the EGU Geodynamics division and its structure.
If you are interested in any of these roles or have any further questions, please email me at gd@egu.eu.
I look forward to see you at EGU 2023,
Jeroen van Hunen
EGU GD President