Hydrological Sciences


The IAHS Digital Water Globe – Increase the Visibility of Your Research in Hydrological Sciences  

The IAHS Digital Water Globe – Increase the Visibility of Your Research in Hydrological Sciences  

Are you looking for ways to boost the visibility of your hydrology research? Are you looking for potential collaborators for new research in a specific topic?  Doing research and getting it published are two of the challenges every hydrologist faces. However, once one’s research has passed peer review and is out in the world, there is one more hurdle to clear: ensuring people see it, read it, and ...[Read More]

Join the IAHS’ New Scientific Decade: Science for Water Solutions – HELPING

Join the IAHS’ New Scientific Decade: Science for Water Solutions – HELPING

What are the most pressing research topics in the international community of hydrologists? What are people working on? And how can you become involved?  Many hydrologists, especially early career scientists, struggle to find answers to these questions.  That is where the scientific decades of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) come in. Specifically, its latest one – ...[Read More]

Floods and droughts: two sides of the same hydrological coin

Floods and droughts: two sides of the same hydrological coin

This is not (only) a flood. Inspired by Magritte’s painting: ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’ After an alarming dry winter, the European continent has been enduring weeks of a record-breaking heatwave across the southern regions, while coping with scattered, intense precipitation and flash floods. In Zaragoza (Spain), recent flash floods swiftly transformed the previously dry landscape into raging rivers ...[Read More]

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

The history of hydrology stretches back millennia: from the engineers of ancient high cultures over scientific pioneers like Da Vinci and Pallisy to modern groundbreaking modellers.  However, so far, few hydrologists have worked to systematically record the history of their discipline – especially in its more recent decades. That is a gap that the History of Hydrology working group of the In ...[Read More]