Hydrological Sciences

Keith Beven

Keith Beven is Emeritus Distinguished Professor at the University of Lancaster where he has worked since 1985. He is well known for his work in hydrological modelling and uncertainty estimation. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and the American GeophysicaI Union and has been awarded the Horton Medla of AGU, the Dalron Medal of EGU and the International Hydrology Prize of IAHS. He started the History of Hydrology wiki site in 2016 and is the first chair of the IAHS History of Hydrology Working Group.

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

The history of hydrology stretches back millennia: from the engineers of ancient high cultures over scientific pioneers like Da Vinci and Pallisy to modern groundbreaking modellers.  However, so far, few hydrologists have worked to systematically record the history of their discipline – especially in its more recent decades. That is a gap that the History of Hydrology working group of the In ...[Read More]