Hydrological Sciences


Wrapping up EGU23: A Hydrologist’s Look Back

Wrapping up EGU23: A Hydrologist’s Look Back

Summarising such a week is almost an impossible task. First, it is worth highlighting that, on-site, we were back to a format with oral presentations, PICOs, and posters. Virtual participants could join the oral sessions and the PICO pitches via Zoom. Virtual boards were also available for the online poster sessions and PICOs. The format of 10-min oral presentations (questions included) was a chal ...[Read More]

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative of the EGU’s Hydrological Sciences Division 

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative of the EGU’s Hydrological Sciences Division 

Do you want to take on a leading role in the community of young hydrologists across the world? Then apply to become the Early Career Scientist Representative (ECS rep) of the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)!  You’ll have the chance to shape the academic experience of other young hydrologists, interact regularly with EGU leaders, and impact the evolution ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly for Newcomers … or those who are coming back to it

EGU General Assembly for Newcomers … or those who are coming back to it

I am finally going back to Vienna this year for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (GA) in April, for the first time since 2019. Strangely, I am now with this feeling of “finally back ‘home’ at the Austria Center Vienna”. I have been asking myself what is going to be different after these four years, who I will meet there, if the city has changed, which places I want to see agai ...[Read More]