From May 29 to June 3, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) held its 11th Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France. Over 600 hydrologists from 65 countries attended the conference, which also celebrated the IAHS’ 100 year anniversary. The day after the closing of the EGU General Assembly in Vienna on May 27, hundreds of hydrologists packed their bags and set out on a jou ...[Read More]
The Best of Both Worlds – An ECS Looks Back at the First Hybrid EGU
After two years of a pandemic-induced, online-only format, the General Assembly of the EGU was back in Vienna – with a twist. While thousands of scientists assembled in the Vienna International Center for stimulating discussions and sociable networking events, those who couldn’t come in person had the opportunity to attend remotely. It was the first EGU assembly to be held in this format. In ...[Read More]
Some first impressions on the first hybrid EGU General Assembly
The first hybrid EGU General Assembly (23–27 May 2022) is over. What a great achievement for the organizers and programme committee who managed to bring the community back to the face-to-face world of scientific conferences, while also offering the opportunity to those not able to travel to Vienna to attend it virtually. We attended the meeting in different ways. Here below our first quick thought ...[Read More]
Hydrologists celebrate Earth Day 2022

Today is Earth Day. As hydrologists, we work closely with what covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface: water! How do you feel when surrounded by Earth’s nature? How would you describe the contribution of your research on the water cycle to the wellbeing of our planet? If you should prepare a warning sign to join people marching in the streets on this special day, what would you write? ...[Read More]